Notice on how guests can submit COMPLAINTS

Pursuant to the provision of Article 6, 1 item 3. According to the Act on the provision of services in tourism ("Narodne novine" number: 130/17), we inform guests of the marina that you can submit a complaint about the quality of our services in writing at our business premises (where receipt of the complaint will be confirmed in writing) or via the addresses below:

Marina Zadar reception, Ivana Meštrovića 2, 23 000 Zadar;
E-mail: info(manki)marina-zadar(tocka)hr
Tel.: +385 (0)23 411 130
Tel: +385 (0)23 411 134

With the written complaint, please provide your name, surname and address, so that we can provide you with a written response to your complaint and thereby influence the improvement of the quality of our services.

We will respond to your complaint in writing no later than 15 days after receiving the complaint.